California now has new regulations that mandate seismic retrofitting along with emission reductions. As a result, many hospitals must begin to comply with these strict new codes. The Case Studies here examine customer boiler applications and key challenges.
Loma Linda University Health
Boiler Installation with SCR
Loma Linda, CA
Central utility plant seismic and emissions upgrades
As part of the Loma Linda University Campus Transformation project, two new hospital towers were added to the medical campus. The new towers include new hospital rooms, surgical and operating rooms, nursing stations and more.
R.F. MacDonald Co. supplied three Cleaver-Brooks CBEX Elite 1,400HP firetube steam boilers to the Loma Linda University Central Utility Plant. Each boiler can produce up to 48,300 pounds of saturated steam per hour.
The larger packaged boilers were carefully rigged through the Central Utility Plant roof with tight clearance on all sides. Once successfully inside the building, the boilers were skillfully placed into their predetermined, limited footprint. Finally, our newly patented Direct Urea Injection with Selective Catalytic Reduction technology was installed to complete the installation process. Read more
Keywords: Selective Catalytic Reduction, SCR installation, boiler case studies, boiler projects, hospital boilers, CBEX elite firetube boilers, hot water boiler, steam boiler, capturing boiler waste heat, SCAQMD requirements
Stanford University
Heat Recovery System InstallationStanford, CA
R.F. MacDonald Co. boiler room solutions
In an effort to become one of the most energy-efficient universities in the world, Stanford University launched the Stanford Energy System Innovations project in 2012. At the heart of the three-year SESI initiative is heat recovery.
After researching a number of options, Stanford decided to transition from a fossil-fuel-based, combined heat and power system with steam distribution to an electrically powered, combined heat and cooling system with hot water distribution.
The idea is to capture waste heat from the district chilling system to produce hot water for the district heating system. To make the project a reality, Stanford installed more than 20 miles of hot water piping and retrofitted 155 buildings to convert the campus from a steam- to a hot water-based system. Read more
Keywords: heat recovery system installation, boiler case studies, boiler projects, hospital boilers, CBEX elite firetube boilers, hot water boiler, capturing boiler waste heat, auxiliary equipment, BAAQMD requirements
Biopharmaceutical Company
Hybrid Boiler SystemNorthern CA
Efficiency, energy savings from condensing boilers
A Northern California biopharmaceutical company operates a research campus with Cleaver-Brooks Flextube boilers. The boilers were six years old when the Bay Area Air Quality Management District began regulating emissions on smaller boilers.
As a result, the boilers were required to meet the new NOx and CO emission levels as well as flue stack temperature criteria.
After evaluating a number of retrograde options for the existing boilers, including a heat recovery unit on the exhaust flues and changing the existing mechanical linkage system to an electronic emissions system, all of the options proved too costly. It was decided to replace the boilers with new equipment to meet the current requirements. Read more
Keywords: hybrid boiler system, BAAQMD requirements, boiler case studies, boiler projects, hospital boilers, hot water boilers, boiler installation services, condensing boilers
Kaiser Permanente Anaheim
New Central Utility Plant (CUP)
Anaheim, CA
Central utility plant seismic and emissions upgrades
Kaiser Permanente expands Orange County health service network to meet strategic needs: provide updated facilities, meet the expanding demands of an aging population and comply with new seismic and emission regulations in Southern California.
They determined the best option was to build a new facility to replace a nearby existing facility. The new construction was established as a three phase process including: an initial medical office building, a second office building and central utility plant and the main hospital opening in September 2012.
Another key concern for Kaiser Permanente was the need to contain human resource costs for the completed facility. As a result R.F. MacDonald Co. worked in conjunction with the engineering firm overseeing the project to design and deliver Thermal Fluid Skids, for a system that would deliver steam for humidification, sterilization and hot water heating.
Keywords: new central utility plant, boiler case studies, boiler projects, hospital boilers, SCAQMD requirements, feedwater pumps, boiler fabrication, boiler installation
El Camino Hospital
New Central PlantMountain View, CA
New boiler plant meets low NOx emissions and seismic requirements
The 1994 Northridge earthquake, a 6.7 trembler centered in Los Angeles, resulted in 72 deaths, over 9,000 injuries and rendered dozens of area hospitals damaged or unusable.
As a result, the California State Senate passed a law that amended the Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act. SB-1953 requires all hospitals to retrofit, rebuild or close hospital buildings by specific dates if they do not meet strict new seismic safety standards, which would ensure that acute care units and emergency rooms could withstand future earthquake events.
The El Camino Hospital is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and for over 43 years has supplied a blend of cutting-edge technology with high quality patient care. In the spring of 2004 the hospital began planning and development for a new and expanded facility, designed to meet the seismic standards in Senate Bill 1953, as well as enable the facility to pioneer new approaches to patient comfort, convenience and safety. Read more
Keywords: boiler installation, boiler case studies, boiler projects, hospital boilers, capturing boiler waste heat
Mission Hospital
Burner RetrofitMission Viejo, CA
Burner retrofit meets low NOx requirements
Due to consistent operation at or above capacity, Mission Hospital constructed a four-story, 94,730 square foot facility that offers 64 private patient beds, a surgical intensive care unit, neuroscience center, diagnostic imaging and chapel.
At the time, the hospital was running off of two Kewanee 250HP H35-250-G Boilers which are responsible for heating, hot water, humidification, and sterilization in the current tower. One of the current units was operating at 30ppm NOx with an older and obsolete Vitatherm burner. With their inability to obtain parts for this outdated system as well as the burners inability to keep up with the demand of the second tower, Mission Hospital required a solution to allow an overall increase in efficiency as well as keep up with the additional demand that the extra tower would now be placing on the existing systems. Read more
Keywords: burner retrofit, boiler case studies, boiler projects, burner retrofit packages, hospital boilers, boiler gas train, burner installation
Kaiser Permanente Modesto
New Hospital Boiler RoomModesto, CA
Boiler plant low NOx and seismic upgrades
Modesto Medical Center is one of several new hospitals providing care to the San Joaquin Valley. The 670,000-square-foot hospital has been nationally recognized as one of the “greenest” health care facilities in North America.
Once the initial project was developed, R.F. MacDonald Co. worked in conjunction with the specifying engineer to deliver boiler equipment that would meet the specifications and needs of the new facility, including both low NOx requirements and seismic requirements. Read more
Keywords: SJVAPCD requirements, boiler case studies, boiler projects, hospital boilers, hot water boiler, steam boiler, boiler hands-on training, boiler field service, boiler maintenance
UC Davis Medical Center
Boiler RetrofitSacramento, CA
Boiler retrofit meets low NOx requirements
The UC Davis Medical Center serves 6 million residents in 33 counties encompassing 65,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. The acute-care teaching hospital is licensed for 613 beds and maintains an annual budget of $1 billion.
The hospital used their boilers for sterilization, domestic hot water and heating applications within the facility. They were operating four boilers: two Johnston 750 HP High Pressure, Dual Fuel (natural gas and #2 oil) Boilers that operated at 150 PSI and two Johnston 750 HP Low Pressure, Dual Fuel (natural gas and #2 oil) Boilers that operated at less than 15 PSI.
Under the new Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) Rule 411, they were required to reduce their emissions from 30 PPM NOx to 9 PPM NOx and in addition were required to reduce their CO from a permitted 400 PPM to 100 PPM. Read more
Keywords: boiler retrofit, SMAQMD requirements, boiler case studies, boiler projects, hospital boilers, burner retrofit, boiler installation