After a successful 2019 year, R.F. MacDonald Co. schedules 30 boiler and pump training classes in 2020, offering training for over 700 boiler and pump maintenance personnel
In 2019, RFMCO split its Boiler Operators Workshop class from one class to two separate classes — each focused on the different types of boilers: steam and hydronic. According to students surveyed through the year, the separation allowed individuals to focus on the type of equipment at their facility throughout the entire class whereas in previous years, half the class was spent discussing equipment half the students did not have at their site.
For 2020, RFMCO has added two Hands-On Pump Workshop classes in Las Vegas, NV and San Diego, CA. Pump training in Las Vegas is underserved and pump training in San Diego is highly sought. In addition, each Hands-On Pump Workshop offers CWEA (California Water Environment Association) credits, which helps certified water treatment professionals.