Engineering – R.F. MacDonald Co.

Fact-Checking 7 Condensing Boiler System Myths

condensing boilers

There are many reasons engineers believe condensing boilers do not fit design applications, but most of these reasons are inaccurate due to outdated information Condensing boilers have the latest technology to replace standard, non-condensing boilers for most applications. Within the condensing boiler segment, a variety of technologies are available. High mass firetube condensing boilers have...


How to Calculate TDH & NPSH


CALCULATE TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD (TDH) AND NET POSITIVE SUCTION HEAD (NPSH) The two most critical values that must be calculated for a pump system are Total Dynamic Head (TDH) and Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH). A simple guide to these calculations follows. All symbols noted in the calculations are referenced in the sketch shown above...