Pumps – R.F. MacDonald Co.

Netzsch Products Support Pumping Hand Sanitizer

R.F. MacDonald Co. offers Netzsch pumps available in Southern CA Netzsch manufactures high-quality progressive cavity pumps (NEMO), rotary lobe (TORNADO), and multiple screw pumps (NOTOS). Netzsch produces sanitary pumps known for a unique fluid handling, like pumping high viscosity fluids such as hand sanitizer. During this period of overwhelming demand for hand sanitizer, Netzsch’s high-viscosity...


Pump Vibration Analysis

pump vibration analysis

End users know vibration can be one of the most devastating malfunctions to centrifugal pump systems. Vibration impacts reliability and process efficiencies if not investigated promptly. In fact, experts say vibration is an actual measure of the overall reliability of a pump. The damage caused by vibration can ultimately cause catastrophic failure. Vibration is a...


How to Calculate TDH & NPSH


CALCULATE TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD (TDH) AND NET POSITIVE SUCTION HEAD (NPSH) The two most critical values that must be calculated for a pump system are Total Dynamic Head (TDH) and Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH). A simple guide to these calculations follows. All symbols noted in the calculations are referenced in the sketch shown above...